

Meh. Spencer Stuart was obviously the wrong choice of recruitment firms. They should have hired me. I'd have at least suggested Alan Mulally.

You know, it's Monday. Monday is a bad enough day on its own merits. And then you guys post this? Seriously? Are you sadists?

IMO, NASCAR has forgotten a critical formula. Mechanical grip = better and more competitive racing. Aero grip = higher costs and less competitive racing.

You sure this wasn't just some trick photography and the banner was actually hovering over the Honda CRZ?

Only one problem with the Craigslist ad. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the word "significant" properly in one of those ads.

It's a little abstract, but I like it.

As much as it saddens me to say this, the National Corvette Museum sucks. The last time I was there, the spiral was filled with Wal-Mart procured Dale Earnhardt memorabilia and it seemed like half the cars there were brand new C6s waiting for museum delivery. Even the movie playing in the Corvette theater isn't that

Now playing

For some reason, that video reminds me of this.

@LoganSix: I totally forgot about that one. You are correct, sir.

Should run the price up another quarter-million at least, but only if they leave the whiskers, ears, and tail attached to the car.

@Nieros: I wholeheartedly agree.

There have been many great automotive pranks throughout time, but I think the best one was when Bob "the Builder" Nardelli went before Congress and convinced them that there was a future for Chrysler LLC if they could only receive a big fat bailout. I mean, he even had some kid spend a good twenty minutes putting

Oh those wacky Italians.

Somebody had to do it:

Funny how all it takes is a set of whiskers, a couple of floppy fabric ears, and a rat tail winding around the back tires to make a $1.5 million car look like a cartoon mouse.

@dal20402: @JawzX2: Hoon The Earth @ www.cafepress.com/jawzx2: @RandomArt:

Noob doesn't know how to auto-hide the dock.