
Looks like they stole the headlights off a 1992 Lumina APV.

When I saw the grille my first thought was, "Isn't that a current-gen US-spec Focus?"

Do. Want.

And here nobody thought ChryCo had any product in the development pipeline.

Meh. I still suspect by the time it hits our shores, the grille will have razor blade slats and the front fenders will have some cheap fake chrome louvers.

If GM couldn't make money with that car, then GM should get out of the money-making business, 'cause they obviously aren't very good at it.

Okay, I know the Twilight movies have brought vampires back as pop culture icons, but really... GM... don't make your cars look like vampires. It'll only backfire (no pun intended).

I don't think I've ever responded like this before, but my first thoughts were... KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!

Typical GM.


@Uncle Bo: Exactly what I was waiting for.

Wow. I am sooooo ready for carpocalypse to be over.

That's a beautiful car. The rusty patina gives it so much character but it also makes me sad because I don't think it'll be quite so beautiful in a few years.

The Dodge, hands down. I do like me some hardtops.

@Ben Wojdyla: Ah, I wondered why the tach dropped down after you hit 3000 on takeoff.

I thought you said hard acceleration.

Looks like a 4-door Tiburon to me.

Wow, Fritz's daughter sure is articulate.

Maximum Bob for CEO?