
Funny how this car both looks AND acts like the slutty, slightly chubby chick at the bar who tries to convince everyone she's not really that kind of girl while still somehow throwing out every lurid sexual reference she can manage into a conversation about how her life sucks because she lives by such strict moral

@Neener: Forget Dunkin Donuts. Always go for tobacco instead.

I talked to a salesman in Nashville. His first words were something to the effect of, "This Cash for Clunkers think is killing me." We got to see about a dozen vehicles slated for the engine destruction, all of them looked like reasonably sound vehicles. Everyone lamented what a waste it was to destroy those vehicles.

Leave it to the federal government to come up with such a freaking inefficient way to disable a vehicle engine.

@SmartAspen: I knew an Xzibit meme couldn't be far behind.

I'm at work, can't really watch the video... but... did they call a tow truck for the tow truck?

From what I've heard about the new cars leaving the lots right now, I think this should program be renamed the Toyota/Honda/Nissan recovery act of 2009.

@SuperVette....Chevette: I absolutely love this generation of Monte Carlo, it's a huge step over the '95-'99 IMO. Having said that, they should take every Tony Stewart edition ever made and not only shred them, but burn them. The first one I saw, I thought it was some redneck ricer's ride. Then I saw another one

Any front wheel drive "SUV".

@GrandmaSideways: I saw that movie in 1996. It still gives me nightmares.

I'm surprised nobody has used those stats to claim that GM's airbags failed in 34 of the 62 reported crashes.

@Ash78: Must be a huge regional / cultural difference. I'm in the sticks, and the few openly gay men here never have done the flashy style thing. Here, any unmarried man who doesn't drive a friggin pickup truck is considered gay anyway—and even the married ones get talked about if they don't have a big

@Saboth: I hate to perpetuate stereotypes, but every single one of the people I know who liked the PT Cruiser were overweight, not particularly bright, and thought the interior was "nice", presumably because it reminded them so much of the tupperwear their parents used to keep leftovers in, which they haven't seen in

As long as idiots breed, cars will never be death proof. Safer, yes. Death-proof, no.

Friday the 13th: Jason in Space

Of all the crap cars from all the bankrupt car companies in all the world, why did it have to be this one?

I do believe I'd beat my kid so bad he wouldn't walk again for a long, long time if he ever did that to one of my cars.

Hell, when you're going out of business you can do pretty much anything you want.

I wonder if he'd take $500...