
I thought Penske was going to keep the Sky.

Why is it that these kinds of cars always look better in artist renderings than they do in real life?

So in Wisconsin you can register your car as whatever year you wish it was instead of what year the VIN says? Niiiice emissions loophole there.

@goingincirclez: Dude, great story. Makes me miss central Kentucky even more than I already do, and I didn't think that was possible. Heart click, and thanks for sharing that with us.

Wow, it took 'em a lot longer than I expected to finish that second-gen Stealth.

Wow, that tilt-shift photography has gotten soooo amazing.

So... NASCAR owns the moon now?

Well, maybe they can learn a thing or two from Hyundai. *cough*Genesis*cough*

So, did the car in the title pic end up that way after a trio of teenagers took it out for a test drive?

This is what happens when you let those damn environmentalists have cars. Everybody suffers.

I see the nun climbing out of the BMW. I think to myself, that whole vow of poverty doesn't seem so bad now.

I knew they were talking about a sport wagon. I knew there were test mules. But this car is actually going into production? Yes, I like it. I like it a lot.

Nutjobs? I think that's a little harsh. Who's more insane—he who puts a bland, anemic little 350 in one of these cars, or the man who puts the twin-6 that God intended to be there?

I've always wanted a Taurus with frickin' laser beams...

The thing I like most about Toyotas of that vintage is the way the automatic transmission shifter looks like an afterthought, as if the designers were saying, WTF are you thinking? Get a stick shift!

@stoke has a JDM front wing: We need a little sound playing when you open one of these up with the music from those "The More You Know" commercials.

What a coincidence, I just watched Office Space last night. I think I'm going to watch it again this morning.

Volvo racing? This is the first I've ever heard of Volvo racing. That is so effin' cool!

What? Nobody's said "That'll buff right out?" Has Jalopnik's commentariat matured that much while I've been distracted by work? For shame, for shame.