
Well, that wasn't exactly what I meant when I said I had an idea where to park it in the comments of the other article...

@passersby: EVEN if he's living in the Bentley, I don't feel sorry for him.

@mr_dude: Pump the frame rails full of helium. Or hydrogen—I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Wow, I totally didn't expect something so fun and creative from a car company whose primary product line is soulless, boring, and the epitome of everything that's wrong with modern mass-produced automobiles.

@Alphamazing: I like to think the paint job had something to do with it.

@GV_Goat: Maybe you'll add a GTO? MAYBE!??!? What the hell is wrong with you?

Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Lutz, works for a company and some people think he's nuts. He wants fast cars but the government says no, and now Fritz Henderson is telling old Lutz where he can go.

@tafan69: Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

Burning off some leftover spare parts, eh Fritz?

@G8-167/Super Aguri: The new boss was hand-picked by the old boss, what did anyone expect?

@MarkB: One man's dilemma is another's wet dream. Wait, what?

@Ursen: Definitely a black Sunday.

Every time I start thinking my life couldn't get any worse, a story like this pops up and reminds me to be thankful I'm not French.

I saw one of these sitting in a shopping mall last week. The proportions are horribly wrong, IMO. From all the TV commercials, I was expecting a station wagon. Instead, what I saw was like a 3/4 scale SUV. And that front end makes me think of Corkey from Life Goes On—which, of course, reminds me what a horrible person

Dear Mr. Henderson,

It is my firm belief that the G8 leaders should at least be driving G8s. If Pontiac can't even reach these most obvious of consumers, then what hope did it ever have?

Obama won't be happy about this.