
I understand that the car is awesome. Light weight, rail-like handling, insane (for the era) power. But I just can't bring myself to lust over a door stop with wheels. Sorry.

Is it just me or does that title picture make the car look like a painted pig?

Blame CAFE.

I don't see nuthin that can't be recreated with a malaise Lincoln grille from the local pull-a-part and a couple of gallons of bondo. Which, I'm assuming, is how the studio came up with that front end.

One day he's out, next day he's in again, then he's out. Next week he'll send a letter out that says "PSYCHE! FOOLED YOU BITCHES!" and we'll be talking about the freak again.

@sos10: I see what you did there.

So they never hooned the test mules? Crap, I figured dumping the clutch at 5000 RPM would be the first thing even the most geeky of test engineers would do.

Because every woman knows the kind of man you want to spend the rest of your life with is the guy who's more interested in your Jeep than you.

Somebody needs to send that picture to Photoshop Disasters pronto.

Go make your paper, boo.

@Cyfun: I like the way you think. Unfortunately, I've never seen an F-body police package with a manual. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a modern police car with a manual.

DANGIT! I thought that was tire smoke in the first pic, and that Mazda had finally made torque an option. How foolish I am. How foolish indeed.

I believe this is the rare case where I prefer the coupe to the convertible.

Oh, that's beer? I thought he just dipped his glass in the Hudson.

I'll take a relatively rust-free malaise-era GM with a Chevy small block. But then again, I think I'm a masochist.

You see an automotive pizza oven, I see a little slice of heaven on earth. Nom, nom, nom.

As if I didn't have enough reasons to be depressed... thanks Murilee.

I just don't understand why a judge ordered the destruction of that car. And, in the future, I would just like to petition the sensibilities of the British government that the owners of cars such as these would be better punished if the cars were brought to the US, sold for the princely sum of $500, and used in