
Speaking of crazy pills, I just watched that movie last night...

The Not-April-fools! is a dead giveaway, guys. Sorry, you'll just have to try harder.

@Daniel Horney: Hey, we call it Bondo. Don't get all fancy on us now.

@yisoo: Yeah, I noticed that too. They probably cut huge chunks of the car's structural supports out so that it folds into a nice neat little accordion structure if somebody kicks the bumper hard enough.

@WilliamG.: No? Really? Overreaction there? Okay. Move along, move along.

It's the end of the world!!!!!!!!!!!

Eh, it's close enough to my fantasy vehicle. Why not?

Fix the taillights and it's good to go!

@Leeeeena the Jalopchick: It's part of the Lambo survival strategy... make the strongman weak with exhaust fumes before he can commence the dragoning...

@philipmein: I like the idea of reward instead of penalty.

Aren't they cute?

@nhubbell84, morphing to ThreeLitre: Religious beliefs are religious beliefs. I don't lose respect for anyone over that. No, it was jumping up and down on Oprah that got me. Every time I see Top Gun, I can't get that image out of my head. Ruins the whole frickin movie. And for Katie Holmes?

Top Gun died when Tom Cruise went crazy.