
@Ash78: I've literally been behind vehicles whose brake lights were on all the time EXCEPT when the vehicle was about to slow down or stop. Drives me nuts. The last one I recall was a delivery van, no less. I guess the guy wanted to crystallize the brake pads for some reason.

@WilliamG.: Did I pull that off with a straight face?

I'm saving my pennies for a Tesla S, thank you very much.

@Wes Siler: So they designed it for the way most people in the city drive anyway. Genius!

@WilliamG.: Ah, who am I kidding. This is my fantasy car:

My fantasy car would be the Mad Max car. Except it would never need gas. And it would be invisible to cops. And the front bumper would never get bent, no matter how hard the chrome horn gets applied.

@aSoundofF*cking: You make the point I wanted to. I do agree that CAFE is misguided for a number of reasons, but I'm not sure I'd go as far as to endorse a fuel tax to reduce consumption. What we saw last summer with $4+ / gal gas prices was an economic hardship for a lot of Americans, which resulted in a marked

Tasteless comment of the day:

@Leeeeena the Jalopchick: No kidding. As bad as the newspaper business is right now, you'd think they'd be trying to make it easier for their paying customers to get their morning paper.

Forget the Smart. How much to rent a steer?

@A f*cking player: Now those are COTD trophies! To he who puts in the work, go the rewards, I always say.

@SirNotAppearing: Good luck on the GMAT, and don't sweat it too much. It ain't that bad. Just don't let yourself get stuck on one multiple choice question too long—that's what got me screwed on the math part.

Meh. Everyone knows the Lamborghini has no real racing heritage.

@A f*cking player: I think we both missed the most obvious: "BREAKFAST SCOTCH"!

@Graverobber: For some reason, I'm very, very frightened that you clarified that.

Hmmm. Is it just me, or does sunshine cheapen the look of it.

Okay. Sure. It can go forward. But does it have reverse?