
God bless that little Google snoopmobile.

@willin58: I hope and pray you're right.

You have GOT to be effin' kidding me.

@DeathDream: And knowing is half the battle.

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

@my beater Mercedes lacks reverse: See? That's what I'm talking about. Fedoras really ARE better than umbrellas. And around here, if anybody sees you wearing one, they either think you're gay or you're Jack Roush.

@WilliamG.: Ooops, that was supposed to be a reply. Obviously I'm too impaired to post today.

@SirNotAppearing: And this right here is every comment thread on Jalopnik. Ever.

And this right here is every comment thread on Jalopnik. Ever.

@Tucker589: For the kind of money you'd need to buy that car, you'll have to kill somebody. And not just some random schmuck, but somebody relatively famous. You know, so there's a relatively huge degree of difficulty involved. And you've got to do it Jack Bauer style, with full on security breaches and lots and lots