
@Jagvar: I'd love for Fedoras to come back. Every time we get one of those gully-washers around here, I go out and my head gets all wet and the water runs in my eyes and I think to myself, The world would be so much better if only people wouldn't point and laugh when I wear my fedora...

@elwood: The desirable cars have all rusted away.

So every year, the hats are going to get bigger, heavier, crammed with more and more electronic gadgetry that wasn't tested in the same array of real-world conditions as the products themselves will be operated in, be susceptible to numerous recalls, be required to meet stringent impact test ratings, and become

Eh, I have never heard of these guys. I feel so stoopid now.

Awwwwww, they got caught? I was hoping the cars would wind up in a storage container, lost for decades until barbaric scavengers in a post-apocalyptic age stumble upon them and, in their crazed state of manic ingenuity, convert these vehicles into the most awesome, terrifying pillage-and-plunder mobiles to ever grace

In related news, General Motors today announced that Pontiac would launch a new EV sports car next year utilizing the revolutionary Volt powertrain inside a body designed in Europe by an industry-leading EV sports car developer. The Pontiac EV—code named G10EV—will feature spectacularly awesome ground effects, a split

The proper caption for the title pic would have been, "I can haz twin turbos?"

I'm sorry. That song made me want to ram icepicks through my ears until the pain went away. No amount of mad video game sillz would make me want to sit through that.

I bet the insurance company totals the Chevy.

I hope this will be a regular feature.