
So where's the picture of ole Fity driving away with a plastic garbage bag duct taped to the gaping open hole where the driver's window use to be?

Why do I get the feeling the guy who covered the third car is the guy who got laughed at for practicing his quick car covering techniques and then, after the Google cameras were gone, just stood there nodding with a smug look on his face muttering, "Uh huh. Who's laughing now?"

Needs more grille.

Gee, I was thinking it needs to be a Fusion, since that would be more in keeping with the spirit of the original Taurus SHO.

It's funny to call this platform aging. I realize it has been around a few years now, but I hardly see any of these on the street. The ones I do see are usually delivery trucks.

They should keep that "NOT FOR SALE" scrawled across the roof as part of the licensing agreement. Because, you know, heaven forbid people actually think they could actually BUY a Volt right now.

@FuzzyPlushroom: I've always thought that every Toyota effort at a full-size truck/SUV up to this point has grossly resembled a cow's face.


And how long before someone rips out the Audi powerplant and replaces it with an LS9? Place your wagers here!

Note to would be video editors: Just because the effects exist and come bundled with Final Cut Pro doesn't mean you should use them. Ever. It looks like you just got a new toy and you wanted to press all the buttons at once. Mmmm-kay?

It's really sad the things some cars will do to get a piece of tail.

What? They're remaking Knight Rider? Is this a movie or something? Why haven't I heard about this?

Looks good, but the real test is how well it handles Detroit's snow-covered mixing bowl interchange.

@WilliamG.: (and before anyone decides to chime in with graphs and charts and a geopolitical treatise on environmentalism, economics, politics, crude oil speculation, or foreign trade policy, it's just a joke—meant to be somewhat humerus and/or amusing—and does not accurately represent my political leanings)

Driver (yelling on cell phone): "Dammit! Yeah, I'm stuck in traffic again. What? No, it's not the other cars. It's all this damn snow and ice. Every time I try to move I end up spinning the back tires and— hold on— somebody's letting me across— I'm fifty yards from my exit and three lanes over—"

@SCROGGZILLA RAIDS AGAIN!!: And thank you for not falling into the juvenile internet trap of anonymous douchebagerry and making fun of the new guy.

Now that's what I'm talkin about. I wish I'd had enough foresight to appreciate these Chrysler A-bodies back in the day. As late as the mid-90s, they were common around here and you could pick a nice one up for less than a grand. Then, all at once, they were gone. I don't see them at car shows, I don't see any

That reminds me of last year when we had a big snowstorm right around Christmas. The interstate was frozen solid because the idiots at the highway department still haven't figured out that you can run salt trucks and graders BEFORE the roads become impassable instead of letting them freeze over and then waiting for