Bill on the Shore

THAT is your idea of eclectic? It's "Suburban Dad 2016". Where's something with done life to it, like Baroness or The Sword or Mastodon or August Burns Red? Something that doesn't sound like you could play it in a dentist waiting room?

How is this "eclectic"? It's R&B and rap. That's it. No rock, no metal, no country (although i can't blame him there). How is that "eclectic"?

How so? I'm not saying it's GOOD television. I'm just saying it's pretty important for ComCen and its absence in this seems rather conspicuous. It would be like doing a oral history of CBS and skipping Dukes of Hazzard. Regardless of its quality, it was pretty important to that network at that time.

I'm not saying it's Emmy-worthy TV, just that it's a pretty important part of Comedy Central that seems to be memory-holed in just 2 sentences. And thanks for the explanation.

Tosh.0 gets, what two sentences? That's a pretty big underestimation of the show that got a lot of people their first exposure to Comedy Central. Was he unavailable for an interview, so he just gets ignored almost completely?

I half-expected Bran to open his eyes after that memory download and say "I know kung fu."

So what about those of us in the U.S. with sub-par internet service? Fastest available to me is 3 mbps DSL. I can't reliably download/stream even HD quality video, let alone Blu-Ray quality. And I'm not alone. DVDs won't die just yet. Not until the US gets it crap together and creates a TVA-like agency to mandate true