Or perhaps stopping off at the Omaha Cinnabon for a sweet bready treat.
Honda CR-V: Tearing families apart.
But it’s ugly.
That’s quite an angry copy paste from Wikipedia there.
I’m going to need a few more examples of cars that use that transmission before I can fully accept your position.
Usually blue is drinking water, yellow is gas (or other flammable substances) , green sewer, and orange utilities like cable TV. I’ve also seen people spray bright green or bright orange to point out tripping hazards, like a sidewalk that has lifted in a section.
As a hotel GM for 20 years.. A few tips..
Also comes with awkwardly-translated English!
Also comes with awkwardly-translated English!
Well, it sounds like you need to start using a completely different app, Mr Complainy McComplainerson.
I want to believe that there is an ice cream cartel so bad.
We have Hello Kitty. Represent.
We have Hello Kitty. Represent.
Ok, it's most likely a typo, but I choose to believe you're intentionally calling your office mates cow-orkers, because it's hilarious.