
Kevin Sr. goes to Sydney, cleans up and buys a ticket to see Verdi at the Opera House. Two weeks later, the Perth hotel TV's running theme, on Kevin Jr.'s end, is Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves… by Verdi.

The opening was obviously an allusion to the Dybbuk scene in A Serious Man. I think the air conditioner murder looked an awful like the hotel rampage scenes from No Country for Old Men, and Larry Gopnik is actually in the cast.

Maeve might've been trying to get really messed up. Maybe that way they'd decommission her and she'd wind up in the basement Terracotta Army formation, where she would then wake up and recommission all those blank slates, rewriting their base code in the process, so they could kill humans and be in her total control.

meh, merkin

Is writing typing?

Can I like this twice?

Why does the second half of this song sound like Bowie is ripping off "Someday at Christmas?"

I said he was "doing it." I didn't say he was doing it well…

Vince Vaughn is doing Sonny Corlione at the toll booth just before he realizes the Mexicans have trapped him

"Brianna, you turn your back on me now, while I'm in here behind what I did for us, and I'll kill you. I'll waste your ass if I gotta travel to ANOTHER GODDAMN SERIES!"

Line of scrimmage, blocking and the forward pass. Comparing football to rugby is like comparing hunting and gathering to trench warfare.

The dude he loaned the money to is supposed to be the best defensive tackle in the NFL…. The Rock dwarfs him. This show is about somebody's vague conception of football.

That practice was the most pitiful, ignorant, half assed depiction of "football" that I've ever seen… and I've seen Remember the Titans



…maybe for you

Excuse me? What's wrong with drinking? Everybody should be drinking, all the time… I'm drinking right now. What could be better than drinking? Sober social discourse? Fuck that. Drinking is the bedrock of our very culture. Look at the greatest places in the world: America, Russia, Ireland, England, Ukraine,

Grace Slick forever

I mean, I doubt Hitler ever hit the incineration button himself…

…… cake