
It seems extremely odd to me that there isn’t a standardized charging interface. It’s like Ford having a circular fuel filler slot, Honda having a square and Porsche having a Nurburgring-shaped filler slot that you can pay extra to have painted to match the body color.

Luxury brand makes expensive car. In other news, water is wet. What’s your point?

That’s ridiculous.

I know this is not for the same buyer, but you can pick up a ‘14 Cayenne Turbo with 57k miles for $44k, so why would I buy this Diesel again?

Brown Porsche estate that is not ugly or dieselly. Just to make people a bit more cheerful on a Monday morning.

“Umber metallic”? As in “glossy whale shit”?

Damn, talk about being self conscious.

Crack pipe.  They could’ve cleaned it at least before trying to rape us with that price.

Deleted scene from Cars?

If you look very carefully, you can in fact see where the two cars were joined together.

I can’t believe how blatantly these guys are ripping off the Geoff design...

I 100% guarantee someone at Porsche overheard a radio squawk and sent the Taycan out. Somebody in marketing is getting a little extra wurst in their stocking this Christmas.

And that person has earned their pay three times over, today.

It would seem like Porsche’s...

What?! If Tesla skips all the middle BS and goes right out and breaks the record, how is that wrong? Or if they fail to break the record, but learn all sorts of shit that eliminates a lot of the middle BS, how is that wrong? Doing things right can be a waste of time when doing things wrong gets you to the end result

“For all you know, a some gawking tourists in a Mustang convertible came around the corner in the middle of the road..”

Come on, Mazda, surprise us all and reveal an electric Miata--a mEata, if you will.

This is asinine. “MoRe DOLars ThAN senSE” directly translates to “I’m jealous, and my ego tells me that I would make better decisions in another’s place.” Discerning? I think not

For all you know, a some gawking tourists in a Mustang convertible came around the corner in the middle of the road, which frequently occurs on Mulholland. Love your hatred of the wealthy.

Professional racing drivers crash, too.

A Bentayga is just a fancy Audi Q7.  I live in South Florida and see these all the time.  They are NOT impressive in person and most people have no idea that it costs around 250k.