
well, it sure is an interesting add-on.


@HotSoup: so I can assume that you don't like the "droid does" campaign either? it's a droid. and it does. lol.

let the revolution begin...err. ok, now. i'm very interested in how this will sound...

concept is nice, name... not so much.

@austin_modern: i completely agree with you...down with profits, forgot all monetary gains. lol. :)

this post is open for trolling...

@Yeah!: or it's just lazy writing...

i heart skip bronkie.

@plusEric: hmm. maybe he stole a garmin... lol.

controversial as this may be... i think it's awesome.

@vinod1978: completely agree with you... and running from the police, regardless of the what crime has transpired is probably not a good idea.

@trek1394: it prolly wouldn't exist...since all tech is generally based on a previous idea.

where's a fart app when you need it...