
@Calrekabooki: chinstrap. bwahhaahaaaaaa. oh man, that killed me. lolz

rowmote, ftw.

i love the originality of these new gizmodo illustrations. all of them. they entice me to read the posts/articles. job well done.

@dicer999: is that like a lite version?

i really love that legostration, it's simply perfect.

this is groundbreaking. uh, no.

@Joseph Thibault: you could get the new ipod nano... doesn't have gps but still.

i'm still upset that Pluto's planet status was revoked.

agreed, 1000%

now make this for my laptop...

i smell.... eco-terrorists.

how much?

i'm not all sciency but this is great...

i love this.

if you're gonna DIY a teapot, make the damn thing work.

no matter how easy or clean it looks, i want to read mags or pdfs in full color. period.

i'm pretty sure that's good for the environment.

backscatter? that name would be a marketing nightmare...