
@retrac: i can't get this video to embed... boo

very cool.

@packruler: eyesjusmessin. it's still mad genius though...

@NaeemTHM: not to mention the motorcycle...

$299 iphone + tray liner + 50¢ zip ties ≠ free... although it does equal mad genius.

butcher knife vs padded envelope... whilst unboxing...

@Facebook: hmm. this has a strange SNL skit meets Christian Pop Band feel to it...

@jeremytownsend: i love this camera... now all it needs is the video feature added...

@lladnar: regardless, it's still pretty damn cool

@astrocramp: that might have been the plan up until the early 2000's but now it's changed forever...

@thebullfrog: weird. she's from Tech. the banner says tech. the evidence is overwhelmingly strong for your hypothesis. :)

@MarcusMaximus: lol. screenshot from web... for the sake of expedience.

this was a crime of convenience and they were prolly guests there to boot...

@Time Pilot AKA: sounds like you need some sort of script to do all that... :)

@Apples_to_Oranges: i would agree. very impressive indeed... i can say that i'm not worried about straying to far from a charger. i only tweak one setting and that is my brightness control...and that truly makes a huge difference.