
i heart my uverse.

wait 'til legal hears this...

@Lawlbringer: bwahahaaahaa! thanks, that made my morning. :)

it never fails. purchase tech, new version comes out. ;(

@KVirtanen: clearly, he's not an engineer...or a fire marshall. lol.


@ohnoesaz: clearly, you haven't seen worse...

great concept, poor execution.

interesting commercial. when on for a bit too long and lost focus of what they were trying to sell. i mean, after watching the entire commercial twice, i already forget the product...and whoever did the model casting for the actor, fail.

@Kamalot: actually my iPad has Skype... so the answer is yes....and i was agreeing with you on the quality... so no need to get all personal about a comment. sheesh. please think before going off the deep end.

wow. great article.

@holmesfutrell: i second that.