William Mize

I'm liking Leo's Zen To Done (ZTD) myself; I'd love for him to wrangle it all together into one PDF.

As a novelist, I found this book to be irreplaceable on my bookshelf. Add my voice to those who really love it.

I love ImageWell, most of my image editing is for my various blogs, and it's usually resizing and cropping.

You want comprehensive and free Foreign Service Language courses?

Not loving the whole "i" addition either. Barring a joint venture with apple, it just sounds ill conceived, shows poor judgment and a finger that's off the pulse of 2.0.

I was thinking that one could also do this with their library; grabbing cover images from amazon, google or other sources. That would be very cool.

Heck, I'll throw my email into the hat too.

I thought that big rocks was a Covey thing, not a GTD thing. Huh. Just goes to show you what an overlap there is to these systems.

I use the "All Day Event".

I use a small black binder clip.

It's vaguely reminiscent of the whole Ghostbusters 'dogs and cats living together' thing.

Man, I thought this was going to be about us having jetpacks, transporters, phasers or meals in a pill.

To paraphrase Comic Book Guy: Most useless post. Ever.

@pkscout - Absolutely brilliant! Great call. Thanks so much.

I'm a new mac user, and, for the life of me I cannot figure out how to use bittorrent on my new mini. I don't understand all the permissions, ports and schtuff.

I didn't like the mac version of Office, so I run the Windows version of MS Office under CrossOver.

I wish they'd show Google Calendar some more love. It's one of my Can't Live Without webapps.

Netvibes, baby. Then it's usually off to my Google calendar and then Google Reader.

Mister Microphone.