William Mize

Gah. I am a lazy spoiled sod, so I stopped clicking after the third one.

I got all excited because I thought it was an alternative to Flickr.

I'm with Brenda - a novelist who doesn't believe in writers block either. It usually boils down to lack of information - about the characters, the plot, the conflict, the motivation - if you're not writing and are stuck, it's usually because you don't know enough about the scene/chapter you're not writing.

Twenty five bucks?

@fxb - I would recommend "Joe's Goals" - http://www.joesgoals.com. Very good for monitoring daily tasks. It's like getting a gold star every day!

I've often wondered if it was possible to cut a big chunk out of the wire/cable, then somehow put the two ends back together for a shorter cable. I mean, without electrocuting yourself, burning your house down or permanently frying the appliance in question at the end of the cord.

I've shilled it in the "tips" but it hasn't been covered yet, but another great, zen little site for such things is Habiq.

Maybe I'm the only one that hates this shortcut, as it sometimes comes up when I'm trying to type web addresses in a comment box. Between the "/" shortcut and the ' shortcut they are driving me frickin' crazy.


Don't own an ipod nor do I need to copy video to it, but I just wanted to say thank you very much for this new post category.

Well poo. I got all excited because I figured this was a mac app.

I'd also say that it's curmudgeons like us that would have stopped Fonzie from strapping on those skis and jumping that shark on that very special episode of "Happy Days".

Add my vote to those who really think y'all need to read, and re-read your 'mission statement'.

Man, I wrote my first novel on WordStar for DOS, and I still miss it to this day.

I used to use a site called "Dealazon", which, checking that url now, seems to be called for some inexplicable reason, SpendFish.

I think you've hit the dream app for many folks right on the head - Google To Go - with gmail, gcalendar, greader, gmaps - all the gfamily right under one roof.

I know I'm like a broken record: NetVibes. It's bloody well brilliant and suits my personality, my style and my system perfectly.