
I'm not really happy with not having it cleared up too, but what game sites are doing isn't so much as asking questions as it is crucifying Redmond. The overall tone about the XBone is negative, when it should be mysterious, frustrated at lack of info at the worst.

I'm not even sure I disagree with it. Totilo has been the most fair out of any 'journalist' covering games that I've yet seen. Simply put, we don't know enough. Sites have posted 'factoids' without making sure they're factual, and when the populace of their site picks up on it, they just perpetuate the view. Take the

I'm not claiming any sort of conspiracy, what made you think that?

If you're right then I think it's already too late. These sites are driven by page clicks, and if I've learned one thing about the whiny, entitled gamer, it's that they love nothing more than to comment on things they hate. Due to some pretty shitty reporting across the board on game journalism sites (much love Kotaku

The crowd that cares about these questions are far less important than they think they are.

Why the gaming press? Here's something that I really wish the 'gamers' would realize. These consoles aren't just gaming consoles anymore. Succinctly put, it's not that hard to roll that feature into a console anymore, hell you can do it on mobile phones. If my console CAN be an entertainment hub, then damnit, I want

I'm not so sure they didn't support indie games as much as it was too tedious to search through shovelfull after shovelfull of crap to find anything decent.

Dude, Luke, we get it. You hated the XBone reveal. Anyone else tired of seeing an XBox slam on the front page every time we visit Kotaku? This video isn't even funny.

LOL if you think MS is halfway interested in anything besides marketing shit to you, and LOL if you think someone doesn't know it already.

Got your tinfoil hat ready to go?

Probably a good thing... the "gamer" crowd is FAR FAR FAR less important than they think they are.

No, cynicism is going to kill this industry.

Okay well maybe it's just an argument of semantics, but... no, actually, you're wrong. We may realize that games manipulate us into doing things, but NEVER in Bioshock's story does any of the characters recognize and bring attention to their fictionality (is that a word? Yea, I'm going with it). When Andrew Ryan drops

Gamers are biggest group of crybaby, entitled hipster douches ever, and far less important than they think they are. Let's face it, more time was spent streaming media on the XBox 360 than playing games, so it makes sense to expand the capabilities of the system.

I mean, yea you can say that, and for the majority of hardcore gamers that may be true, but hardcore gamers are FAR less important than they think they are. More minutes are spent with other multimedia on the XBox 360 than they are with games.

Ah you can say what you want, I still refuse to believe that you saw it coming, nothing you can say will change my mind.

No, the character, Jack, is being manipulated.

Bioshock didn't break nor attempt to break the "fourth wall"...

"But, um, steak doesn't cost $500."

False. I refuse to believe you saw the twist coming unless you read about it before hand. Across any entertainment medium, Bioshock's twist was the most shocking reveal since 6th Sense.