
Me thinks you spent way too long on this article.

Meh, not sure if I buy that. You have to expect some dropoff pretty quickly, but rent the hardware, I have a hard time believing they couldn't find temporary hardware to handle the load. They keep their fan base happy and potentially get more sales after early reports that everything is kosher.

Borderlands succeeds not because of it's shooting, take a step back and really look at that and I think you'll see it's pretty bland. People play that game for the looting. Gearbox's only good SHOOTERS have been their Half-Life expansions.

Oh blah, Borderlands never had really tight shooting. That game was a looter, plain and simple. Shooting was secondary to the experience. It's finally coming out now that Gearbox's only good SHOOTERS were the expansion packs for Valve's HL.

Man what a bunch of chicken littles. I highly doubt Microsoft would release a console without having a contingency plan in place to overcome the basic issues we see with DRM today. Publishers trying it and failing to keep their customers happy is one thing, I doubt MS would follow suit with their whole console.

As a huge Star Wars fan, I'm okay with this news. I would have preferred Joss Whedon, but JJ Abrams does good work.

*Sigh* Sometimes I wonder what the heck I have in common with other people who play video games.

There is a metric shit-ton of NOPE on this page.

Bullshit, I had to play episodes 1-3 THREE times because my save game kept disappearing. The two times I reached out to TTG, they gave me the same ineffective "fix" that I had seen on user forums. I wanted to like this game, but damn if the bugs didn't just leave a sour taste in my mouth.

Yea no joke, the crazy thing is that look absolutely suits him.

I'll throw him a bone, it's interesting, but I don't agree with it. Until games on a mobile platform offer the same experience as sitting on your couch after work with a controller in one hand and a beer in the other, the same console market will exist. Mobile gaming has recruited NEW gamers, but it certainly didn't

...I can't tell if you're trolling or not...

Saw them live two or three years ago, they kicked ass.

Honestly, with all the money they had already put into it, I'd be nervous if they just hit 50,000. Sure, that would have given them quite a bit of cash, but I haven't heard of a lot of Kickstarters that just barely met their goal. It seems they either fail, or pick up way more than they had initially sought.

See I don't think it's a piece on the "horror of war." I think it's a critique on the currently wildly popular military shooter genre. They don't give you a choice in the mission objectives because the brunt of other military shooters out today don't give you a choice on the mission objectives. You do some pretty

"And I'm not even a Notre Dam alum"

I want to like this game so much, but I'm convinced the team that put this all together is comprised of a bunch of monkeys. With every single episode release I have to do a rain dance to get the game to recognize my save files, and I think I've ran out of methods to try with this latest episode. REALLY displeased with

Awesome Awesome Awesome, I hope they have all the intersong stuff too.

Holy crap I was thinking the exact same thing. What a waste.

I'm not buying the intelligence argument. At least not for the general definition of "FPS". When is CoD REALLY about ammo management? There's a reason people refer to it as a twitch shooter. Sure, there's the capacity there, even in CoD, for "mental gymnastics," but that's not why people are playing shooters these