
1.) Nobody's saying that the Wii U's ABILITY to patch is bad, it's just disheartening that so many patches have to be downloaded right out of the box. Reggie was even quoted (it's on this site somewhere) that they only release hardware when it's perfect in their eyes. Releasing a product that does barely half of the

You obviously haven't played online a lot. The brainpower that seems to be powering the average CoD or Gears player isn't going to be solving any global crisis soon.

All we need now is for CoD to tank and then maybe FPS's can dive into more adventurous territory. I'd love different ideas in my shooters.

It took far too long for me to realize the joke here. But now I do, so bravo.

Doom wasn't the worst of the bunch? They crapped all over that movie, I place it on the same level as I do Mario Bros.

I could be mistaken, but isn't Gangnam Style REALLY popular here in the US because it's so bizarre? I mean you have a porky little guy screaming into ladies' butts, cross-dressing in a sauna, having a fake-horse-riding dance off with what reminds me of an Asian Michael Cera, and actually pulls off making very

I completely agree with this. Dead Space has always had good gameplay, but I've been playing for the story. The books, games, and films have all helped cultivate this awesome universe, and the Dead Space games are about Isaac. I wouldn't expect the third trip to be as scary as the first. I DO expect them to keep up in

God damn, there are very few people who can pull off that hat, and Notch is NOT one of them. Overall awesome guy, but holy shit I want to take that hat off and stomp on it.

Is the 3DS a success even? I mean I realize units have been sold but only after they slashed the price pretty significantly. Have they broken even on that? Personally I don't see the need for handhelds. I know we don't all like to admit it, but mobile phones and tablets have stolen a lot of that population, whether we

Randy! I actually have a question that pertains to Aliens: CM if that's okay.

Randy! This question actually isn't about Borderlands, hope that's okay.

I agree... assuming "would love to read more on the ecology of this" in reality means "kill it with fire."

"DayZ came along and revolutionised the way we look at zombie games..."

Bah, I hate having a wiki up for the game I'm playing. If you can't make it intuitive enough to where you don't need a wiki for even basic construction, you've failed.

For once I actually disagree with Gabe. I hate metro as a desktop interface (as a mobile interface it's awesome, way better than iOS though I'll probably stick with android), but I don't see developers flocking away from Windows. MS makes the best developer tools, hands down.

But... but... but... the waffle fries...

My god I don't understand the hate for the show. It's an awesome show. I prefer the pacing of the show to the books. It's a different story from the books, I don't understand what haters don't get about that.

And yet the focus of the game continues to be a "pick things up off the ground" simulator. Bah, the first BL bored the living daylights out of me. I LOVE FPS, but this game was always way more point and click RPG than FPS.

All hail the master PC race.

Inception was brilliant, the others, meh. Prometheus was enjoyable, but I'm not sure I'd mark that down as being worth the cost of admission. But you've made your point, regardless of the fact that The Avengers is not Hollywood's story, but rather belongs to Stan Lee and the gentlemen who work or have worked for