Huh, well I had no idea that's how it worked, but I hold true to my earlier statement. These aren't Hollywood's stories, these stories belong to Stan Lee and the people in Marvel's history.
Huh, well I had no idea that's how it worked, but I hold true to my earlier statement. These aren't Hollywood's stories, these stories belong to Stan Lee and the people in Marvel's history.
Mmm, I don't buy that. While I'm far from a cinephile, I'm more than willing to accept that in every genre there are good movies. My point is that these films are so few and far between the same old dreck these days that we're supposed to be excited about. The cost of admission for movies is standard, not based on…
Then do me a favor and recommend some movies. In all the drivel that's being released there are a handful each year that I even consider to be worth the time and money, and even then half the time I'm disappointed.
Hollywood's out of ideas, have been for years.
I see your "Bee attacks Srillex" and raise you an "E. Honda attacks Skrillex"!
...I think you need to read through SOPA again. I'm all for preventing piracy, but SOPA was going about it the wrong way. SOPA was Hollywood-backed legislation because they don't want to innovate or think it's too costly. When Vint Cerf and ~20 other professionals who had a hand in creating this global network called…
Maybe I just don't get it, but I have never laughed at an Awkward Zombie comic.
If there's one thing I really dislike about CoD, its that franchise's insistence and subsequent adoption by other developers that multiplayer games must have unlockable gear. I'm never going to be able to put in as much time towards these games as anyone else, and I'm constantly amazed at how fast people level in…
This is looking like a trade show for investors now, not gamers. And in that respect, I think MS won. They showed the two biggest XBox exclusive franchises and kept the technologically innovative juices flowing. I'm going to come out and say it, Kinect isn't that bad. It's not a core game peripheral, but it DOES allow…
Again I say, if that's the only implementation you can think of, then you're not trying hard enough.
Oh ye of little faith. Microsoft's conference was on the whole definitely geared towards investors and not gamers, but anyone who can't think of some just plain awesome implementations for Smartglass needs a little bit of creativity. The fact that I can use any device I currently have is icing on the cake, and it…
IE 9 and 10 are steps in the right direction. I still use IE mainly to download other browsers, but IE is not near as bad as it used to be.
@fallouthirteen @ShadowflareXIII @yadspi I realize that 'work' can have a different context, but why describe it as 'work'? Portal 2, for example, took some critical thinking to get through, but I'd hardly describe that as work.
"Wow, a game where I actually have to work a bit to get stuff done"
I prefer playing on the XBox, especially co-op games. The trick is to find one of the numerous gaming communities out there. As a shameless plug for my favorite group of gamers, if you're 21+, [] is full of a bunch of guys and gals who just enjoy gaming. We're not a clan per se, as we're not super…
Wow... those examples she dropped sound like some of the most boring ideas to introduce... ever. How could descent into poverty 'easily' be brought into a game... that people would want / pay to play?
Because it's badass.
Minecraft is a fantastic game... if you're trying to fall asleep.
Epic is when the set pieces are breathtaking AND have a meaningful impact on gameplay... enter Bulletstorm.
You and I have wildly different definitions of 'epic.' It's CoD... that's going to be a fixed sequence. It's going to be no different than if you were in a low flying chopper, only now there's an annoying head bob and a horse mane flapping in front of you.