
Well I think you're halfway correct. The women who are in pods will have aliens burst out of them, like the Chestburster in the Alien series, but NOWHERE in the game does it show you women being raped. This is kind of my point. In Alien (which I love, just for the record, I'm picking on it here), they show the

@Shinta Normally I would not ask this, but with this post I feel I must. Have you played the game? I'm telling you outright, I've had to post this three times already, there is NO imagery of rape in Duke Nukem Forever. Women are trapped in 'pods' a la The Bodysnatchers, but you see neither human nor alien reproductive

@hbkotaku For the record, I enjoyed the game, immensely. I thought the gameplay was straight outta the 90s in a really good, big way.

@danstu If you look at it that way, can we really even say that women exist in Duke's world at all? If Duke loves babes, then I've never seen a woman through Duke's eyes. He lives to please them and they live to please him.

I get your point, but I disagree. Objectification of women != misogyny, in my opinion. If I'm out with a friend and I see a shirt my girlfriend will like, so I ask my friend to try it on because she's the same body type, I'm objectifying her. I'm using her body JUST for her body at that point. Does that mean I'm

Stop the lies! Fox News will hear you! No, they are not being raped or mutilated from the waist down. Watch again. Luke saved you 60 dollars? Please, you were never going to buy it in the first place.

Why call it hatred? Why not call it objectification? I claim he's hedonistic.

I expected an article like this from Destructoid, not Kotaku. Let's stop perpetuating lies, eh?

Only thing to do is to take away the machine.

For the lulz... these guys are pricks.

Duke. Effing. Nukem.

Well I tried to choose three characters that I thought the younger generation has been playing. I see more younger people playing Call of Duty and Halo than I do RDR or Uncharted. Even so, someone made this argument a bit down the page, so I'll steal what I replied to them...

Good point, but I stand by this write-up. Uncharted is a fantastic series, one of the best this generation I'm convinced. But I don't play Uncharted to play as Nathan Drake, not one bit. Sure I like seeing the story progression, and Drake is an integral part to the story, but the character himself is kind of bland. I

Agreed, storming the embassy on the first mission of the original RB6 was intense (well, also the other levels, but I fondly remember that one). Also I distinctly remember replaying missions I passed... just because I lost Dingo Chavez... What the hell was I thinking NOT playing as him?!?

I really don't get where people say the graphics are shite. Yea it's not going to win any awards but these look far from bad.

Ah man, thanks, appreciate that. Now I REALLY want to play Hunted.

Let me know when they add some semblance of an online component and I'll open an eye.

'Duke never comes early'... awesome.

I cannot WAIT until Fox News gets a hold of this...

Doom is still, nearing 20 years later, the only shooter that when I play, I physically move and dodge around in my chair to avoid on-screen projectiles. Does Doom belong to be at the top, more so than ANY other game EVER released? Not necessarily, but it has just as much validity being up there as any other game, and