I will certainly answer...
I will certainly answer...
Your initial post had the veil of being dismissive of the game, whether you meant it or not. I'm a bit older than you (5 years), so still slightly under 25, and I have fond memories of this game, lugging my PC over to friends' houses to play each other. That said, nostalgia alone is not the reason I'm pumped for this…
"...who look to be contrarian, sometimes simply for the sake of being contrarian."
@lance.uppercut: it was kind of a jerk reply you had there language-wise, what with the whole "With the risk of offending you." I probably read it wrong, for that I apologize, but what's saying that Crytek can't make their game run / look good on a console?
@lance.uppercut: yet another PC elitist...
Alan Wake was the best gaming experience I had for 2010.
Whoever the hell thought herding cattle would be fun should be shot. There are far too many random things to do in this game that simply aren't fun, and in a video game, they have to be.
People who haven't had a class in AI probably WOULDN'T think this is that impressive. Hot damn, I think that's impressive though.
@Kowl Slaw: It doesn't stop me from enjoying it every time since then that I've read it!
Alan Wake personally has my vote for GoTY, one of the few games I've played through this generation more than once after I've gotten all the achievements.
@Pill_Hell_Tom: "Cheap tactics are only cheap if they're glitches or exploits, and even then there's a (probably valid) argument that they're legitimate because of their inclusion in the game."
Screw PETA. Self-hating humans.
Elf Bowling... that is all.
@Berd: I was thinking the same exact damn thing. Such an awesome pic if he didn't screw it up.
So... where's Alan Wake?
@TRT-X: Haha, kudos, that warranted a laugh from me right here at my desk.
@Archaotic: While I think you're being a BIT harsh, it's hard to argue your further points. I'm comforted by the fact that I know even CoD will run its course eventually, and the obviously talented people at these studios get on to something new... of course Activision will then find a way to ruin THAT, so... God I…
Actually, not a bad business decision. Spend your money on the marketing for the tech, that way if it underperforms you could possibly take less of a hit.
I love the Kinect, even though it has its downsides, I'm optimistic about its future. The Move? Yea, the way the technology works is technically different than the Wii, but application is the same, and developers have shown what they can do with that application on the Wii... in short, not much.
#1 is important enough to cite as reasons 1-100.