
@booniebrew: Well I believe Cleveland's economy is in shambles now. It was basically Lebronian.

@fdisk: Ah I know! Tell me about it! "But dude, look at how open these levels are!" "But dude, they have vehicles you can drive!" Meh, Halo's decent, nothing more.

While I'm mainly a console player now, due to all my buddies being on XBox, I've never been one to say that the PC platform is dying. PC players know what an FPS is all about before console players pick up their controller.

@Blackti3: Hm, but not really. The Marines especially have VERY strict guidelines on getting in with a GED (which EVERY branch requires at the very least). Last I checked less than 1% of applicants who have a GED and less than 15 credit hours at an accredited university get accepted into the Marines, even then they

@Blackti3: Yep, because two guys is enough to make an assumption about an entire population... haven't taken a stats class yet, have you?

@Blackti3: Hmm... well that's a gross misrepresentation.

@Jonn: "Primary purpose" is subjective. Your primary purpose for your DS Flash Card is different from most, sure, but it doesn't make it any less "primary"

@GhostRaven: As long as there is at least one legal use that these mod chips could be used for, he's in the clear. You don't jail gunmakers because people use them illegally.

Jeez, 4chan is the sphincter of the internet.

@interkin3tic: It's not dependent on your system specs when it comes to what game you want to play, well, other than your connection speed.

Day one buy.

Ya, Doom definitely belongs at the top, but no Zelda game and a DDR game up there? Really?

Effin' PETA. Self-hating people, that's kind of sad.

I'll buy it... if it has a party system. In fact, I thought it was one of the better MP games of last year, it really took some time to get used to the intricacies of the game, but when you figured them all out it was a blast. The only problem with it, and in fact the reason I sold it back, was that there was no

@reynoldswrap: Agreed, should this game come out TODAY, I would cancel everything and go pick it up.

@enlargedhousecat: There has never been an action hero like Duke Nukem since Duke Nukem 3D. He shoves his boot up the asses of Solid Snake, Marcus Fenix, Nathan Drake, Francis from L4D, and all the completely forgettable characters of the CoDs and MoHs... at the same time.

Limbo was good, but Braid hit me harder. There was something to discuss when it came to Braid. While I did enjoy reading this write-up, we don't get anywhere by continually discussing the game. There's TOO much open-ness, TOO much vagueness, that everyone seems to have differing opinions, and they never seem to hone

@Milo Corkey: Hmm... if that's what the shooter genre is to you, then maybe you don't play enough shooters, or are generally not a fan, in which case how could you even comment on it?

Shame on all of you who would rather see a game OTHER than DNF. After 13 long years, should DNF come out TOMORROW, I would still go get it. And here's to hoping Gearbox doesn't F it up, the last shooter of theirs I played that had GOOD, concise controls was Half Life: OpFor, and yes I've played BL and BiA.