I'm required to like Doom 3 based on my personal convictions, but I hope Doom 4 goes back to the "this s*** is bananas" formula instead of the "this s*** is creepy" that Doom 4 took.
I'm required to like Doom 3 based on my personal convictions, but I hope Doom 4 goes back to the "this s*** is bananas" formula instead of the "this s*** is creepy" that Doom 4 took.
@Daemon_Gildas: In just about every group of press release photos I've seen for the game, they have all made it a point to show Chuck Greene in a dress.
@Bloodoflamb: Congratulations...?
@Ladi: Ah, well I concede, I am mainly an XBox and PC gamer, so I guess I can't comment on other platforms. Especially handheld, eye-strain-o-vision and neck cramps? No thank you.
Meh, it is my opinion that western developed games are worlds beyond ANYTHING Japan puts out these days, save for very few exceptions.
Lame... man what a missed opportunity releasing a game like this on the Wii.
Answer: You can go no further until you play Doom... Go play it now... And in advance, you're welcome.
If ANY game series is anywhere CLOSE to Star Wars, which there is not, then it would be Halo. But really, Master Chief will never be a name that EVERYONE knows, like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader or Han Solo. Gaming is getting there, but let's not jump the gun.
No, no it will not be. Notwithstanding the fact that there will NEVER be another Star Wars, as Star Wars is the pinnacle of entertainment the world over, but Call of Duty is not and never will be anywhere close to the cultural significance that Star Wars is.
How do you figure out that 60% of XBL subscribers are in it solely for CoD? Taking a microcosm of the community, my friends list is full with people who play a diverse number of different games, and I wouldn't say ANY of them ONLY play CoD.
Getting a friend in the original and screwing around, launching cars and rockets at each other was a freakin' blast in the first one. Double the number of people in there, and oo boy, I'm excited. This is wholly a multiplayer game.
I for one think VG violence is way more a problem now than it was when I was growing up, for the mere fact that everything is so realistic comparatively speaking. All in all, when or if I have kids, I'll play the games WITH them if they want to.
Didn't look that bad at all. Only a couple times did it seem like her avatar was "taking off as she landed." She jumped a good half second or so after Kudo every time, her avatar copied that. Looked like a fantastic party game, which is exactly what I expect out of it and exactly why I'll be picking it up, assuming it…
Awesome, $150 was the max I was going to spend, let's hope it stays at this.
@Yamen: This isn't about a plot pattern, this is about the same dang characters in the same dang situations. People don't get it when I say that the better stories are coming from video games rather than movies these days.
@Azel: name one movie that used 3D (besides Avatar, didn't get a chance to see that but I hear visually it was amazing) that DIDN'T seem campy. The Final Destination 3D, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 3D, Alice in Wonderland 3D, Monsters Vs. Aliens 3D, Spy Kids 3D.... do I have to continue?
Don't give a crap about 3D, the only reason it invaded the movies is because Hollywood DESPERATELY needs something that people can call "fresh." For god sakes, I haven't seen an original plot come out of Hollywood in years.
Not sure why everyone is all over Nintendo's... eh... Wii's. Their presentation was less than outstanding, I mean come on, who DIDN'T cringe when even Miyamoto was having problems with the "1 to 1" controls for Skyward Sword? Perhaps I'm a little biased. I care not for 3D (glasses or no glasses, a gimmick either way)…
Meh, I care not for portable eye-strain-o-vision gaming, and watching Miyamoto struggle with "1 to 1" controls on Zelda was painful to watch. Sony's was cool, and I'm actually pretty excited for Kinect, so I'd say they tied. All around though, past E3's have been way better.
@staySICK: Ah, the Shadowrun reboot by FASA was awesome!