
Kiss my ass y'all it's Tennis Night!

This took a turn for the weird rather quickly.

Emmit Otter's Jug Band Christmas is one of the best movies ever. It's terrible, and I love it.

I think Mumford and Sons is the modern day equivalent.

I'd like to see Kirk Cameron "witnessing" to Gwar. I would pay to see that.

Producers don't traditional make music. They oversee the project.

I'm surprised I didn't see Fight Club on the list. His books went quickly downhill after that one. But it's a great book.

I always liked Charlie Sheen walking in to "Wild Thing" in the movie Major League. That just seems bad ass to me.

Jack Donaghy is the only Bear I'm into.

When a band says me like "mayyyy" I'm out. If they are Americans, I should note. That is acceptable if you hail from the UK or Ireland.

The Tea Party folks were the first to start using the term Teabaggers. You all served that one up on a platter for us. I never got a chance to say thank you for that. So… thanks!

Oh wait, Fat Mike isn't making it. Reading is hard.

I'm a little tired of rock stars using crowd sourcing to fund projects. Fat Mike has the money, fuck him. Let him pay for it. It boggles my mind people put up money for shit like this. Same goes for Neil Young and his new music file venture.

God he was so damn annoying in that movie. What a total fucking douche. Great movie though.