Musturd n' Biscuits

Something doesn’t add up here. This kid had time to go into the army, get trained as a mechanic, get out of the army due to injury, be depressed about it, then land a job with Audi.....all by the age of 18?

Hoe exactly do they monitor “upper level winds”?

They’re floor mats.

Can’t own a gun, can’t build a race car, can’t speak freely without the fear of persecution from some hippie on Jezebel....

like this:

I never realized how low to the ground the Raptor is when on its landing gears.

Porsche Owners are so full of themselves. Sometimes I just wish the whole world stopped being hippies and drove BMW’s.

See, now this is the kind of solution to the problem that I can get behind... er, to the side of. Don’t want to be anywhere near the back of that thing when it lights off...

Especially if we just use them for beds.

i suck at internet.

Perhaps Musturd did reply to the wrong comment, perhaps not... either way I blew coffee out my nose just the same.

I have a slight suspicion that you meant to reply to a different comment than mine...

Thanks, captain buzzkill. Go be a hippie somewhere else.

you forgot guns

Nothing also screams “America” like lawyer (something, something), lawsuit (something, something), bodily injury claim (something, something).

My God! How long is the friggin' tow bar on that nose gear?