
I get the issue with the end of Dev's date with Christine but it seemed like they needed to put a sour note at the end of a date that went really well otherwise.

I've been meaning to get around to The Shield for a while. I added it to my Netflix or Amazon watch list a while back, I can't remember which one, but it was taken down. I'll probably get to it within the next few years.

I was talking about Anderson's dramatic beats in Blackish. But career-wise, Anderson has done ok with straight drama (I caught some of his L&O stuff and I even watched that K-Ville show he was on) but never has he done something like this. You could tell that he, as a person, believes what he is saying, not just the

Lil' Funyuns was the greatest bit on this show until they did the 8 Mile thing. I already mad "AKA Lil Funyuns" my instagram user name. That's how great it was.

Those closing minutes, when we return to Fitz and Simmons, that scene moved Fitz into the number 1 character spot. I never thought I would tear up while watching a low-rated television spin-off of a massive superhero franchise.

Not all at once. I spread it over a four-fay period.

Glenn best be alive. He needs to live long enough to meet Lucille. That is all.

I remember who Landau was. Mostly because I watched all 134 episodes from previous seasons over the summer. I did, however, forget what the sun was.

If that's not empowering, I don't know what is.

I completely forgot about Robyn. I wouldn't have minded her working with Alicia and Grace. Female empowerment and all that bullshit.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I'm not a Carol fan. I liked her back a the prison when she did what no one else would and killed the infected. But now that Rick's back to cracking' skulls I don't see the need for her. I would have preferred to see Michonne or Daryl doing what Carol did. I get what they're

Scream was the first horror movie I ever saw. I was 5 or 6 and my 16-year-old uncle thought it'd be a good idea to let me and my sister to watch it. 18 years later and it's still one of my favorite movies. I never really got into any of Craven's other movies, but Scream is a masterpiece, same goes for the first

Not quite, Kate and the other dude were put to sleep at the same time but woke up years apart. Beverly went to sleep in 1999 but woke up 11 years after Kate.

Jon and Sam's conversation, and Jon's realization that Sam is no longer a virgin, was the highlight of the episode.

After this reveal I felt like an idiot for not thinking about it. The iffy timeline made it obvious in hindsight. Beverly was frozen in 1999 and unfrozen in 4027, Kate was frozen in 2014 but unfrozen in 4016.

They probably hoped he'd assimilate more easily and would be able to help his family settle in. That way they wouldn't have to deal with three people freaking out at the same time.

Was I the only one that forgot Buddy Garrity was a senator on this show, so for a split second thought that Selina and crew were watching the debate from "Parks & Rec"?

She becomes Jimmy's criminal doctor, helping him with stuff that he can't bring to a regular old doctor. Then, in six years, she'll get her own prequel series starring herself and the security guard, showing how they met when he just worked as a custodian at the medical school she attended.