Will Robertson

I like the fact that they are developing a friendship between a man and a woman that has no sexual undercurrent or homosexuality to it.

I had trouble getting through s2 and have no plans to watch s3.

But she later said how great Tom Hanks was in The Godfather. I think January Jones is great in this. She's more the foil to Phil than the new guy.

Oh, Caroline Framke, the character was(is) SpearCHUCKER Jones, not Catcher.

Is Scotland the Alabama of Europe now? I thought that was Germany.

I actually missed last week's show. I didn't know I missed it. So I watched this couple rehash an episode I didn't believe existed.

I thought Conway Stern myself.

Reason 4,372 why Pam is the best character on Archer.

He's the smiling face of Thalia to Otto's Melpomene (Sons of Anarchy).

Half the time thinking. Other half, fuming.

And now I feel like Scully, mentioning this in a post above.

She mentions hobbit later, too.

Garol, you are a stone cold atrocity.

*SPOILER ALERT* When they killed off live action Pam (from Archer), I quit. It became a game of "See that ugly girl, she's your wife"/"You watch Helix"

Pam has always been my favorite. She's the glue; earnest, strong yet vulnerable, and interesting as well (electric bum fights, car races with the Yakuza). And now she's doing what she can from what she learned on the farm to help AJ.

Help me out here.

I saw it but not sure I processed it correctly.

The writers are growing her character. She now wears a fuchsia corset.

I fapped.

I'm having trouble finding the momentum to watch. Tonight, perhaps unfairly, got relegated to 75% attention as I tended to other things. I really want to like it as it seems messy (in a Fringe/X-Files way).