Will Robertson

He's Irish.

"I think I'm getting a text… *blorp*…
This is Holt."

I see it now. Maybe they meant "hand positions": 1) thumbs up, 2) peace, 3) a-okay, 4) heavy metal devil horns, and 5) the ol' middle finger.

Kristen Schaal's indomitable Christmas spirit convinced me to buy a tree this year.

You're trying too hard.

And speaking of 80s, Al Bundy had similar issues with car payments on his Dodge.

Nickleback sells a ton of records, too.

The Walking Dead was some boring ass soap opera crap.

At least The X-Files had them traipsing around the globe. Here, the FBI has known about the Sleepy Hollow Hellmouth for longer than our stars? Has the government known since the days of Washington and the revolution?

I laughed in that translating Norse summoning spells into English still allows for an A, A, B, B rhyming scheme. If he summoned more than three of those things, he'd have drifted off into a Gilbert and Sullivan number, complete with iambic pentameter.

Under-rated observation.

All they really had to do was delay last week's closing scene of Pandora going into the tree and splice it into this week's. Ichabod and Abby could have killed the bee lady elsewhere. When Pandora's spell was complete, Jenny arrives and the tree opens for the establishing shot of the real Big Bad.

Jason Sudeikis is from Virginia.

No guarantee folks didn't horde during the viral apocalypse.

I've said before I love how the writers disregard all those details.

Everything is coming up Paynehouse.

You suck, McBain!

So she had sex for money and that's not being a whore? Good to know.

Wait, what?