Will Robertson

s6 ended with Clay and Galen O'Shay dead - delivered to the Attn Gen (CCH Pounder) - and Jax taking all the remaining gun heat to dismiss any further prosecution of Tara and the club. Basically, Jax admitted to trafficking the gun involved in the premier's school shooting.

If you don't like Pacific Rim, you're not the target audience. All I read were poor reviews. I watched and enjoyed the shit outta that movie. There is no poor acting that the kaiju didn't overwhelm. There are no plot holes that jaegers didn't squash.

Feds? They're up against RICO in s4 and s5. And the ATF has been trying to bring them down since jump street.

2nd iPhone dropped in 2 weeks and neither screen cracked.

I'm thinking he's animated by the same guy who did Fozzy Bear on the muppets.

It was covered in the review, but we hated the "star vs family" in the first few episodes, so they lumped in all the family shit with no stars tonight. Just an awful gameplan.

Upvoted for the hair-based double entendre.

He banged Nora. She's alright.

Were those Morley cigarettes? Great. I knew cancer man was still alive and behind this.

When a family BBQs that much, they know. But good point.

I kinda like the idea of those plant stands.

My favorite was the Neonatal Surgeon wearing torn jeans and strappy black tops. It was like Charming only had one women's fashion store and it's run by the crow eaters.

Those two really should have just worn red Federation shirts.

Chibs is Scottish.

Happy had a bullet graze his head.

I'm still trying to get my head around the idea that the club didn't know these two would be there but Chibs stole the heroin and then Bobby joined them in the killing. Who were Jax & Co. going to kill if these patsies weren't there? This is a huge plot hole/bad writing sequence.

s5 and s7 of The Shield ended really well. All that damage came home. It made sense and was satisfying.

Then Chibs notches an arrow with a stick of dynamite and blows out the rear axle of the truck they're chasing.

More shit on her belt than Batman, too.