wee willy

Blade Runner 2: Hollywood Has No More Ideas

You people are insane. It makes more sense for his character to have shot first. Greedo shooting first is stupid.

Is it me, or is it lazy when critics compare new shows to shows that recently came out? Is true Detective really a touchstone for this series?

I'm a longtime defender of this show, and I thought this was one of the worst episodes. The stuff with Carl was awful, especially his drama-school monologue to unconscious Rick, with all the shoulder-hunching and lurching around. And then ending it on the floor with his knees drawn up and face buried in his arms. Just

People who still believe in the Auteur Theory are stupid.

The weirdo rich people orgy in Eyes Wide Shut… as long as I was one of the rich people.

It's a reference to 70mm film. God, has film been gone so long you people can't look this stuff up?

What is this pixels shit?

I gotta call bullshit here. This song is about a form of enlightenment that the rest of the civilized world got hip to a long time ago. There's nothing brave or visionary about a hip hop artist suddenly updating their views to the late 20th Century. Hip hop is a horribly misogynist and homophobic world and one guy

This was gross.