
He should go to all the cars and coffees he can find. Ask questions. Ask for rides. Find the one that makes you excited to own. Porsche Macan S.

As a fellow Mazda fan and RX fan... allow me to be the first to rub some salt in the wound.

I’m not seeing a COTS gas turbine that would fit this application. It would require a clean sheet design and still introduces new design challenges and cost. The efficiency isn’t going to scale well either. See this study for more.

I’m surprised nobody seems to have referenced the Audi A1 e-tron from some years ago which also had a little rotary.

This could solve the NUMBER 1 and NUMBER 2 issues of EVs, and could be HUGE.

the motor is 3-4 times more powerful per pound, and is much smaller, allowing it to be placed in some really interesting places. it is a very simple design, and for a “rarely used” piece of a car (Range extender- a lot of the i3 guys say they

Noise is one of those engineering compromises. Take a weedeater. Even the 4 stroke ones are loud and nasty sounding. But the engines are lightweight, powerful and they can sell them for $100. If weed-eaters were $700 and/or weighed 100 lbs, they could be pretty quiet. Chrysler’s turbine cars were quiet (almost EV

I’d actually disagree. Small turbines are not very efficient at all.

Yeah I saw that and almost did a spit take. 

The sad thing is that so many of them are already advertised as “rotary mowers”. Bunch of lying bastards.

Subaru fanboys disagree, or maybe I missed a joke and it went right over my head... gasket...

Jalopnik pointing out proofreading mistakes. Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

Yeah the dip is really what people are complaining about, IMO. It’s still there in the new models. Observe this graph of acceleration in each gear. You can see how the dip translates to loss of acceleration, which you feel as your head suddenly jerking forwards. 

There are about 500 reasons. 225 in metric.

It’s the “dent goes here” indicator.

Why didn’t you turn?

How will we prepare them? We really have to do this right; otherwise all we’ll be hearing from people is “ew I don’t like rich people, they’re too gamy”.

Noob just has the crosswind knob set wrong.

Forza’s graphics are getting pretty good but their physics is still shit.

Maybe he thought she was only wearing a red waistband.

What, autos are fun too...