Congress didn’t include the ACA payments in the budget. This is similar to the president not signing a bill into law, but also not vetoing it. Its a pocket veto where he just ignores it until it expires.
What? Ice? Let me clear that up for you.
You are missing the part where the budget process is separate from the ACA. Yes, the ACA is still on the books, but the funding for the ACA is not. So funding for the ACA was included in the 2010 budget, but it was not included in the subsequent budgets. That means that there is no money.
They are supposed to make a new budget every year, and if funding for the ACA isn’t included, then its not included. The law changed, payments stopped. That’s as simple as it gets. They didn’t appropriate money for the ACA in 2011-2017. That means there was no money for the payments. If congress had not changed hands…
Oh, then you are missing most of the story. The 110th (2010) congress did make a law that the payments should be made. However, the 112th-115th (2011-present) congress made a new law that said they were NOT to be paid. So the new law over-writes the old law. The law was changed. Obama kept on promising the payments…
Federal Agent : “Sheriff, you are under arrest for interfering with a federal investigation.”
We are going in circles. Doesn’t matter what the executive branch requests or says, if Congress doesn’t want to pay for something, it doesn’t. Simple as that. Conversely, if they DO want to pay for something that we don’t need, like the $1.7 Trillion F35 Joint Strike Fighter, they just keep on funding it anyway.…
You should ignore the oompa loompa and call your congressional representatives because they are the only ones who can solve this issue.
The Executive branch of the government can not force the co-equal legislative branch to do anything. They are equals by design. Just like the president can’t tell the supreme court that gay marriage isn’t legal anymore because he is an oompa loompa who hates gays. We don’t have a king or dictator, we have three equal…
While you are correct, they also have to fund it! If i tell you i want to buy 10 apples, but pay for 0 apples, how many apples do I have? Just like the executive branch has to enforce the laws, but the previous administration chose not to enforce those it didn’t like.
This is only shocking because most people don’t understand how government works. Because the democratic controlled 111th congress didn’t fund the subsidies properly in law, they are illegal.
So the Obama administration has their policies ruled illegal by the courts and the new orangutan administration chooses to abide by the courts decision instead of ignoring it like the previous administration. Seems like you should blame the Obama administration for not doing it legally in the first place. everything…
Why do liberals and conservatives keep fighting endlessly over this gun control nonsense? Should gadgets that circumvent the single pull single fire rule be outlawed, sure. We have clear laws against post 1986 manufactured rifles that fire more than one bullet per trigger pull.
You need internet access, so it uses Google’s servers to process the commands for you. The brain isn’t in the box, it connects to the brain via the internet.
Just because you don’t understand how things work doesn’t mean I think you are a moron. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
Suppressors reduce the sound of a gun blast. A regular 45 caliber hand gun has a noise of 162 decibels. Ear drums rupture around 150 decibels. Suppressors have been shown to reduce the sound from 160+ db to around 130 db. While that is a very large reduction in sound, it is still comparable to a military jet takeoff…
If you use a gun without hearing protection you will seriously damage your hearing. There is no such thing as a “silencer.” A suppressor will do less hearing damage, but your neighbors 3 doors down will still HEAR the shot. Even with a suppressor. This is why the argument against “Silencers” makes no sense. You are…
This is all nonsense and propaganda. “Silencers” are a myth. They don’t exist. That’s because much of the sound of a gunshot is the bullet breaking the sound barrier. You can suppress the bullet, but then you still hear the explosion and it is lower in decibels but you still need hearing protection. The Hollywood…