Non waxed dental floss is more than adequate to cut through the foam tape and then you can peel off the residue any way you like.
Non waxed dental floss is more than adequate to cut through the foam tape and then you can peel off the residue any way you like.
At least the Tesla has a legitimately ridiculously fast version that is actually fast. That gets it serious kudos even with those who otherwise wouldn’t be interested in electric cars. However, everyone buys luxury cars to say look at how great I am.
I had a 1996 Miata. I am not so sure I agree with you.
My profile picture is of a Z3. I think you be able to tell I am a fan. Ironically, the Made in the USA BMW Z3 is surprisingly reliable and easy to maintain and repair. Most issues can be fixed with a little bit of tinkering. Contrary to the modern BMWs, the Z3 is much less complicated. It doesn’t have everything…
Good choice! You will be surprised how economical the car is to own and maintain.
It has to look like a weirdo piece of whatever so all your moronic green friends are impressed by how green you are.
More regulation is not the answer, it never is. However we all know the cops can give you a ticket anytime they want if you are not in compliance with the state laws on the car requirements. So the inspections are still bullshit and are just a stupid tax.
Bundle or not, the buttons should be under $2 each and the joysticks can be had for $10 each. Just shop around. I like IL brand. Throw in a another $40 for a usb adapter and you can then plug it into any emulator. The wood/table/cabinet you use is just whatever you want to stick it all in.
Modern LCDs don’t support the old Light guns. You have to get one with an LED strip that flashes so the gun knows you shot at the screen.
A nice suzo or IL joystick is $9. Whats the big deal? Honestly, you can just replace the nylon square at the bottom for a buck and the 4 switches are a buck each as well. If you use it enough to wear those parts out, then spending 2 or 3 bucks to service it shouldn’t be an issue.
According my Subaru Sales Manager and Fanboy friend of mine the Outback IS the legacy wagon. You can just swap the suspensions between the two and make a raised Legacy and a dropped Outback.
This is one way to take the Panamera from Fugly to sexy in short order.
Anyone ever wonder who the idiots are that are in charge of these programs?
The F35 is a joke. The F22 is far superior. Stop trying to make a multi-function machine. Everyone knows the copier/printer/scanner you bought last year sucks balls and already broke and the scanner you bought 10 years ago still works great.
The problem is that it’s bigger in every metric and won’t fit in my large 3 car garage. Trucks have gotten entirely too big.
My 20 year old beater ranger gets better fuel economy than these crap cans and the ranger is truly a POS. However, it makes it to and from home depot just fine with a 1000 lbs of sand in the bed, so why should I buy a new truck when I can have a beater and a sedan that both get better gas mileage for a lot less money?
This sounds to me that the Volvo guy thinks stupid people are stupid and won’t use autopilot right so eventually all driving will be taken away from everyone.
I don’t see Uber as the solution, I Uber as a symptom of the bigger problem. If Taxi services weren’t so inept corrupt, then there would be no place for Uber. Uber is just playing the lobbying game that the taxi companies created. However, we probably agree on the rest.
While I agree with most of your sentiments, you have to admit that the rideshare apps are forcing some much needed and much over do change in the taxi industry. We need to eliminate the entire concept of limited availability taxi medallions. That is just limiting competition. I have no problem with clear and easy to…