
I don’t have the luxury of that app here in Florida. However, I travel quite a bit for work and I always pay with credit cards and I always MUST have an itemized receipt for reimbursement. At least with Uber I can go online and print it out. The taxi companies here are terrible and no one even pretends to use a taxi

I am sure price is a factor for some, but for me and my friends and many others we want to know exactly when the car is going to be here. With Uber you get an app and a GPS location so you aren’t waiting around randomly wondering what window of time your ride may or may not be there. Also, paying and dealing with

The only solution is to de-regulate the cab companies and eliminate the licensing that prevents upstart competition. That is the only reason to have licensing, to prevent new entries into the market. Requiring insurance is not the same as requiring them to buy a million dollar cab medallion in a lottery.

My friend got a Leaf for his wife. (She picked it out and she wanted it: he just handled all the electrical charger installs and delivery of the car.) I have driven it a few times. Its pretty benign. Its smooth, rather generic in ride and just as good as any hyundai and better than the small nissans of comparable

I am not sure what crawled up her butt and died, but come on! Weddings are giant parties where the food and drinks are free. Its a great time, and you get to share a special occasion with your friends. If they aren’t your friends, then don’t go to the wedding. However, if they invite you, why not go and have a great

Top speed in the F1 was achieved in 5th gear, not 6th. Its all about the power band.

Wow, they are really reaching to create content.

They have the mustang RWD platform and they make it a FWD based boring mobile? I think we are all ready for Ford to take Lincoln to the vet and put it down humanely. I could forgive the terrible idea of a V6, but this is just a glorified Fusion/Taurus and that’s what everyone will see it as.

All you need is a few pieces of MDF, some rattle can spray paint, and a few minutes of work. I spent $56 on the real deal IL buttons and joysticks, $14 on wood, and $30 on an Ipac2 controller (Some say the best) interface. I had wire, glue, crimps, and spray paint already. The fancy overlay was $35, but that’s

I can make anything.

I have an optima. Any projector will do though. The resolution is so low on these old games that you can get 480i projector and it will be great. I couldn’t afford a giant TV, a 1080p projector was cheaper.

Because they could use off the shelf parts and didn’t have to re-engineer the seats or the crash ratings for the seats.

I just made something like this. I use my projector though for the screen at the moment. Makes for an epic arcade night. I put some old computer parts inside (Plenty fast for MAME) and its awesome. Only thing is that it needs to be a lot heavier because people get seriously animated playing arcade games.

Yeah, this is the perfect reason for less government. Not because we need more protection from ourselves, but some asshole actually put this into a bill and it passed both the house and congress and the president signed it. It does nothing to help anyone, but our tax dollars paid for that and then we pay a bunch of

The fact that the government has banned an innovative product is just asinine. It exceeds all standards set by the government, the only problem was it was blue, which was what made it superior.

Just because you had a job and did it terribly doesn’t make you qualified to do an even more important job.

They didn’t phase it out. The government actively banned it because it was BLUE and some stupid law says all brake fluid must be AMBER.

Dude, sweet RimPs!

Yup. So he is probably a bad person and would make a bad president. So what? Better than Satan incarnate herself. Better send that money in to Bernie and hope he pulls out a miracle.

Then you know his motivations don’t you? Better one giant corporation than all of them. Lets just hope Sanders can defeat Satan.