While I agree that the Supreme court can over-rule the states and change things with case law, they can’t really make new laws. The states are just told no, and to have thier state legislatures re-write the laws.
While I agree that the Supreme court can over-rule the states and change things with case law, they can’t really make new laws. The states are just told no, and to have thier state legislatures re-write the laws.
The sheer popularity of this site should tell you that no one under 50 subscribes or reads physical magazines anymore. ITS TOO SLOW! Everything they publish is 2-3 weeks old news by the time it arrives.
That guy was cool as hell when I met him a few times in college. He was a college football celebrity for sure.
While I think this is way too expensive for the size of the vehicle and its overall extremely bland, I still like this better than the VOLT. Less complexity, less crap to break, it will probably do better.
You sound like a communist. News Flash! Washington DC wastes about 60% of your taxes doing absolutely nothing. Make all the taxes state only, eliminate the Federal Government departments that do nothing but waste your tax dollars.
See Fisker Karma. It did that. This isn’t a train that is chugging along all the time. It was a spectacular failure and it wasn’t even efficient.
I think they figured out that whole generator engine thing wasn’t going to work in a car due to the types of driving they do. See Fisker Karma for that. It bombed, spectacularly. And it wasn’t very efficient either.
Hybrids are stupid. Stop buying hybrids. They are too complicated and will just have even more crap to break.
$651,000 is such a tiny budget for a state agency. Those poor bureaucrats!
Because the people who BUY priuses want you to know how great they are. The people who buy the hybrid camrys don’t seem to care what you think of them. They both save plenty of money with their hybrid synergy drives, but less money than the extra they paid for their hybrid upgrades over comparable normally powered…
Then why are all the self righteous prius drivers always driving like a bat out of hell or squatting in the passing lane every time I see one on the expressway?
Who cares about Manzel? Too much liability for what you get if you ask me. I know you didn’t, but hear me out.
Step 1: Don’t buy a Lincoln.
Its about time! Just because you aren’t overweight doesn’t mean you aren’t flabby. Strong is attractive, toned is attractive. Do some actual weight training with resistance.
What an idea! Encourage your children not to get Liberal Arts degrees so they can actually get a job and move out!
How has no one mentioned Project Binki?
Here comes all the communist comments thinking that Unions should be fighting the corporations to the death over every nickel because the American view of Unions is vastly different than the German one.
That’s the thing, I can change the oil and filter using a topsider in LESS than 15 minutes. Its not messy, and I just hand the topsider to the guy at the auto parts store and he dumps it for me when I buy the oil for the next change.
How much is your time worth? I can change my oil with a topsider with 5 minutes of effort and 10 minutes of waiting for it to drain. What I don’t understand is those people who have time to go to a dealership and wait two or three hours, not to mention the time to drive there and back.