
Yep, plug-and-play the secret awesome sauce to these, along with price and quality. I much prefer lunging off my couch to switch the dongle from PS3 to PS4 or vice versa, rather than muss with cables or bluetooth pairings.

This plus Netflix. Even a raucous game going on in background is probably mildly annoying. Hails of gunfire and predictable dialogue is easy to tune out, but narrative going on in the background is intolerable.

Or, you can "upgrade" the free version to the PlayStation Plus edition, retaining all progress you've made. This is $10 cheaper, at $50. Like the disc edition, this will give you access to everything, only with a catch: it'll be tied to your PS+ account. Stop subscribing and you won't be able to access the content,

The English translation doesn't matter to the "survey" we are not being paid for. It's not the game title. Useful for context, but you actually have to make a judgement call based on the Japanese title and the game experience, etc.

That killed the party right there.

That's totally normal. Mention that name in a country club, describe the game they'd be like "whatever".

It doesn't even sound like it would make sense either.

Party People: Great to make points but make sure you upvote the original comment if you think this title is the one that represents Japanese nonsense names!

This x 100,000,000m. Way more diameter than any other entry, past or future. This game and its title are pure nonsense.

No need to be drugist.

4) Don't write non-entry comments on this post: Instead, comment on others' entries, if you've got something to say about them.

I think it's a crazy interconnected slew of reasons. I'd honestly like to know more about this.

Anybody know anything about WHY Japanese games are named so oddly? Generally and the newer JRPG ones with some weird adverb+adjective combo.

That's what I came here to say. Rockstar should encourage this sort of thing. It's basically crowdsourcing.

Good to know.

Reasonable disagreement? A pox on both your houses (Since you undoubtedly have an extra structure to store your library of laser discs, microfiche, and wax cylinders).

Let's put those people on an island. Or maybe we want the island. Depends on the island.

Maybe to you. Plenty of people simply don't want to deal with physical media anymore.

Whatever the menu or the function, the 'A' button shall move players one step forward, while the 'B' button shall move players one step back, eventually landing them in the main menu. (Or, "X" and "O" for PlayStation.) The 'B' button shall not be required to get players into the game (we are looking at you, Mass

While it is known that this is a requirement put in place by hardware manufacturers and publishers, it is also known that every single person who has ever played a video game is now aware that video games quick-save, and furthermore, if one were to turneth off the console in the middle of saving, it would somehow be