
I'm so glad this problem is solved. It's as if no other automaker has mapped an annoying UI layer onto physical controls that have been proven out as perfectly usable for decades.

The Automatic Transmission was invented specifically for Chicago commuting. If I didn't live in this gosh-forsaken heckhole I would drive stick again.

Sounds like you answered your own question. You won't get a lot of the 4G version and you'd be paying more for it now and as long as you are on the network. But probably not much in either case. Amortizing the initial cost bump, you could pay ~$25/mo for being able to use your tablet whenever, without tethering, out

Hey, I learned something.

How easy is this to use for people who use iOS and Apple TVs and want that level of simplicity for things Apple routinely blocks? Amazon Instant Video will only play audio through AirPlay — re-learned that lesson last night and had to dig out the box o' cables.

I'll answer where PS4 fits in as regards motion gaming (referring back to the article topic). It comes down to games, hardware, especially in regards to motion gaming:

Apple has conversative-but-good hardware in my opinion, and build quality is top notch. As to hardware features: home button and magnetic covers are hugely useful, in my opinion. As much as wireless charging is cool, lack of either of those are really problematic for me.

The company that owns the IP or sells the tech is Qitricity or some other nonsense name.

Had to just stop playing with mine. Hit a wall of frustration trying to use it as a cursor. Think there's some key DNA missing... mice, trackpads, trackballs all behave as relative input devices. You can rest your cursor a bit to grab something, get a better grip, or scratch your armpit. Whereas cintiqs and

No, I just tried it. There is an free app you can download from the Leap store for general cursor control, but I would not recommend it by any stretch of the imagination. Not if you want it alongside your regular mouse, and not as a mouse/trackpad replacement in a million years. The things needs some Apple simplicity

Poor overworked fans.

I expect you would see a lot of packaged deals on tourniquets and hacksaws.

Umbrellas can be dried by spinning them around or lunging around with them. Depends on whether you're in a Mary Poppins or Conan mood, but the little droplets are easily flung off.

"Do you love plants."

These are the most boring poles I've ever seen. Repost when they powder coat them.

Sarcastic comment about how every Xbox owner agrees with you and every Playstation fan disagrees with you. Reasonable argument that it is not the end of the world either way, and makes for a more interesting marketplace.

it's cheating if you have to use a mirror to multiply your concepts

What's the story here? Are we supposed to wait for next gen to enjoy this game to its fullness-osity? And If I buy on PS Store will I get PS4 and PS3 versions? And similar Xbox question for those buying on that platform. Answers, I need answers!

No, he just said something inept and tone-deaf, which will make many of his customers feel alienated. He could have said something little less fanboy, and little more business-savvy-CEO, which could have shed some interesting light on how he runs his business. If you don't want to make accessories because it's a bad

What a tease. You owe me actual visualizations of the EMFs.