
Well noticed, but I don't expect much from kitchy low grade satire. These fit the bill for what is needed. Actual forgery or respectful apery is a high art in my book. I'd rather see anyone who can do that do something new with it — such as rebooting some Geisel stories in a 2D, subtractive color, economical, ink

I know there are several reasons for this, but is one of them to keep Samsung from being involved in the iPhone design process? I'm know there is probably internal firewalls at Samsung, and Apple isn't letting Samsung dictate anything, but if they wanted to deviate wildly from the current chipset they would probably

This has some crippling problems (doesn't save notes, doesn't auto-launch easily). I will comment again after reviewing the 1.2 update or hear back from the developer on plans.

I once used aluminum foil wrapping, inside a cocktail shaker, inside the fridge. This was to power up my device safely and delete an email in my outbox, accidentally sent to client when it was supposed to stay internal. Obviously wasn't perfect, had to open the fridge door and access the phone to do this, but it did

This is funny. I used Ellen Page as a reference on a game project once. We didn't have time/budget to find a model, and shoot refs, and she was perfect for the character. Meanwhile you can find stills of her (or any famous actor) and so it's very easy to get the talent started working with a likeness. However, as we

Yeah, this is the best way. You need to see in person to really take in all the research you've done, and see if any known issues are dealbreakers.

I just think they should really try to avoid overworking and overthinking their movies. Alien let us be imperfect witnesses to events that unfolded. Limited third person view... we don't know what we don't know. Tell a good story!

I think we're in agreement on the original. Never saw AVPs - you recommend or saying their a good example of bad move by the franchise?

Maybe a Meh plus overall. Those middle movies really bring things down.

Thought it was as good as Alien moves ever were. Which is slightly better than summer blockbuster meh.

I could choose to have several knee jerk reactions to this, but the connectivity could be really useful for a lot of people who need to take serious or semi-serious photos for their jobs. Professional bloggers, design researchers, photo- or other journalists.

They finally found a way to get all of my face grease onto one object. Thing needs a mini windshield wiper.

As punishment for violating your own rule, you are hereby prohibited from issuing further edicts. Have a nice day.

I'd say they could make inroads towards something of this nature if they had a better store. It's serviceable now, but I would like to ban JRPGs and the like. Any PS1 game too. Put those at the bottom of any list I review, or obliterate them. Meanwhile, either of the original PS2 Katamari Games or Okami comes out,

They know what they're doing and they are doing well by it. Constant radical disruptive change would not serve their existing customers and partners very well. They innovate when it's needed but otherwise implement consistent improvements.

Because every console will have Kinect, every game can be developed with it in mind.

True that. As limited as it is compared to physical objects with embedded sensors, Kinect is a more economical system to scale to more people.

Well said.

Lose the compass already, or move it to maps (where it would be logically) and really confuse people.

I could see this as a move for them to put the responsibility for external upgrades on Intel, AMD/ATI, and Nvidia. I could see Matrox or some similar no-name beating them to it, and then the bigger teams get interested.