
The V&A should fix their Tipu's iTiger app. Still only a 1.0 release after several years, and it's an abomination. At least it's free now, but it's such a tease (bad 3D render and some anachronistic, unrealistic things like a keyboard). They must have gotten sweet talked by some developer.

I have noticed a huge difference, you can actually manipulate objects in space rather than just orientation, especially at high speed. I say the more sensors the betters, even if there are awkward light bulbs everywhere. I'll wear MoCap markers and hold props if I have to. Mimetic play is fun, especially with

Well there is nothing technically wrong with it in theory, but there is plenty that can go wrong, starting with it leading developers down the wrong path, sucking down resources and goodwill, and making Sony into a laughing stock if this is intended for release and it never gets used or is universally panned by

yeah, there is a good library now

hope they standardize that and make sure that developers understand the standards (if they want to offer optional layouts, that's okay, but support the standard).

been loving mine too

ofc I have one and ofc I love it. ofc they're not for everybody. ofc I think it could be a great feature that is less gimmicky than Nintendo's take on the same thing.

I have heard (from Swedish designers) that the term functionalism would be a better term than modernism for Scandinavian designed objects. It wasn't and isn't modernism-as-a-movement/statement everywhere, it was and is just making good stuff that works, without historical artifice. Though some did and do obviously

Anyone else find 4-way scrolling greatly overrated?

PS4 definitely, I'm a sony shill from way back. XB1 when they have a desirable kinect game and when there's a good 3rd party controller with the joysticks in the right place. It will be my first MS gaming product (never purchased my own PC or had an Xbox).

I'd be fine if my vita served as a phone.

Last couple of years have taught us that if Nintendo knows anything it's how to conveniently forget to include necessary controls and then sell them to us later as an inconvenient add-on.

Not a great comparison to early Fords. That industry didn't have much trouble inventing itself out of humble beginnings, and very early on it managed to solve everyday people's problems. Whereas the 3D printing business is now only useful for professionals and hobbyists. I agree that will take some time to evolve into

It's like a gang initiation, to go from peewee to gang member you have to take a dump of bad product design in our brains 24 hours a day. It's informal, the peewees (aka wannabees or baby gangsters) are mainly trying to be visible memorable to senior members for when the gang is taking new members. The actual

The tree they planted in the laptop keyboard is supposed to keep it securely in place.

Agreed. We know very little. This may not be the official controller, it may be a transitional controller before a newer one that materializes at some point (irrespective of launch). I think the fact that you simply can't do that much with tracking a single two-hands-together controller means that Sony will either be

You're then requiring busy medical professionals to take a little emphasis off of saving lives and keeping health care and governments costs down so they can help a non-native speaker mother and a father of uncertain paternity understand why and how they might customize a very important and now somewhat confused

On the contrary, I think we'll be virtuosos at scrawling tribal territory symbols on burned out hulks of our civilization's structure, using the the charred bones of those we've betrayed in order to live to another hazy brightening of the ever darkening sky.

Right on.

Kids need to be forced into design appreciation lectures, if they show any appreciation for skeuomorphic design.