
Not bad. I will check them out at REI. Two other reasons for crazy shoe designs I have thought of since:

I don't understand why there are no new battery standards since the days of Thriller.

This one right here. Sometimes I am a genius though, I press the thingy down and then the release button and then catch them when they launch out.

Maybe, like me, you read the 8MB RAM as 8GB. Didn't know it went so low.

That is just a general problem with modern shoes in general. I think there is something hallucinogenic in the water at these places.

That cycloptic button looks like a rocker-style 5-way nav button. Though I do hope that they let to mash the whole thing down to do whatever it is smartwatches do.

I want a coin-op thermostat. It would start paying for itself immediately, especially 11 months of the year in Chicago. Credit card swiper might be more modern though.

You all need to expand or retitle the "Silence the Call" section. That is what iPhone users are relegated to and it needs a little more play, even if it doesn't answer the headline's question.

I recommend unlearning your Windows shortcuts and learning the Mac ones and giving that process some time/patience. There is some commonality between them, especially both fall short of allowing you to use the keyboard as much as power users desire. You end up needing a mouse for stupidly common things.

Math time: think of how much disgusting finger grease you leave on all your devices. Then think about how much swiping, pinching, and tapping that represents. Probably in the neighborhood of a lot. Then think about how much you'd need to do the same gestures in mid air, before and after the gestures lose their charm.

The only real problem with BT compared to IR is that devices need to sleep to preserve battery life. That causes some awkward feedback situations... I just hit mute but nothing happened. Do I need to hit it again? Oh, I need to power on my remote. Not intuitive. Has anyone solved this?

Back for me, I can chill while waiting for you to get off. Middle is the worst, too much anticipation and jockeying for position.

Agreed. I regret not visiting after reaching adulthood. Hope the new place is nice though.

Apple is not the cutting edge that people expect them to be, and never was. The company is comprised of extremely conservative decision makers. Probably more on the UI side than the ID side especially. Everything in their industry is knee deep in lawyers and they need to tread more carefully than everyone else because

seminars vs seminaries

Yeah, that's pretty hideous.

No, I think gasoline was tyrannosaurus and diesel was triceratops.

I said the same thing, but I had to root for work. Not a big deal.

I already know all the words.

Has any game done something where your shields, or health, vary in strength or are disabled due to conditions? That could help mitigate the fun lost because of less risk.