Yeah, I agree. Just hopefully they don’t have to be not exactly undercover be called a moron when they do. Not certain all that shade was necessary up top in the article.
Yeah, I agree. Just hopefully they don’t have to be not exactly undercover be called a moron when they do. Not certain all that shade was necessary up top in the article.
Given that he said he had a blast, something tells me that the players at the actual event likely had no issue whatsoever with him being there. They also probably didn’t even blink at the guy losing to a bad match up, which this clearly was. I’ve seen plenty of times where a professional player tweeted out after a…
All this not so subtle shade. Reminds me of 2003 to 2006 in my pc gaming club after school; all the hardcore Counter Strike and Battlefield nerds would go absolute ape shit when the guys on the football and basketball teams would wreck the living shit out of us. The overly nerdy kids couldn’t accept the fact that…
Amen to that.
Seems like an easy way to raise profile of an event and just make things more fun.
It’s so infuriating when people try to go out of their way to defend Compete as this legitimate thing, and that it should have every right to be “shoe-horned” in to Deadspin, like you say, only for us to then see Compete do everything in its power to make the people defending it look like morons.
I’ve been really happy to see both the Kotaku and Deadspin audiences both collectively telling this author how shitty his blog post is in the comments. Make no mistake, this side of the aisle doesn’t care for this either.
My thoughts exactly. Good on them.
know what? - i’m really glad to see names from outside traditional geekery trying something inside geekery.
What’s with all the shade though?