
@Happyman7: I have my grandmother's old Brownie, and just a couple of months ago I opened it up and found a roll of film inside it, which must have been there since the late 60s / early 70s. I haven't found anybody who can actually develop that type of film, however, and I don't even know if it can be developed at

@Sithishade: Well, I suppose if one were to root it, it could be worth it. Although I would wait for Honeycomb to come out, since it'll be optimized for tablet use.

@maggeimerc: Because the Nook has a longer-lasting battery, an e-ink screen, and the Color costs a lot of dollars.

@wjglenn: B&N recently added the same function to the Nook ecosystem, as well. I think Google has that built in.

@mrjeremiahross: Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Google are all already doing that. You just download the respective app and you have access to everything in your ebook library from whatever device you're using.

@jcoll: I torrented the Millenium Trilogy a couple of days ago, in ePub format, and I haven't yet encountered any issues in formatting so far. Granted, I'm reading on a Nook, so that may be part of it.

@s8ist: Kind of, but it's also the speed of having the entire OS as a web browser that makes this attractive. Rather than having to load of traditional "applications" at startup, it can just go directly to web browsing, which is what most people use computers for in the first place.

@Cintax: Wait, are you saying that you don't keep all your personal information on your bicycle? That's where I keep all my phone numbers, internet passwords and credit information. I scrawl it on the frame in Sharpie.

@Captain Angry: We just got my dog a Kong Wobbler (I don't remember if that's the exact name; it's something to that effect). It's basically a giant Kong with one tiny hole in the side, into which you can shove treats or kibble or whatnot and then just put it in the middle of the room. The dog then knocks it around

@GaryMyMan: That sounds like a really terrible law...

@AgentRockstar: Doc, I'm having these dreams that I'm talking to a real psychiatrist instead of my PhD-bearing alter-ego, Doctor Fleuffmanhausgermanwords. What the fuck?

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Well, in that case, it would be best to ask him so he could say "Oh, yeah, that room is a movie set," and then that fact could be confirmed with the production company.

@druce: It gets that way after members of the scientific community use it a coupla times.

Oh lord, watching that was frightening. She was hot, but...so lifeless. The way she stared at the camera and just kept petting the little dog...*shudders*

@BrandonSH: That wasn't peanut butter.

@abeeee: It'll just be her face, but alright...

@Salax: The one who really exists.