
@3MC: Have you read that article on The Star about how Israeli airports are run? They don't have invasive security measures like the US does; they simply train their security agents to pay attention to the people coming through the airport, and to be aware of signs of suspicious behaviour, rather than randomly

@doctorzizmor: Don't "crazy oversharers" comprise approximately 50% of Facebook's user base?

@Myrmaid: Oh my gosh! You go by "Me" too? So do I! We have so much in common!

@Drummertist v.3: If you don't make it back, I just want you to know...

Every day, I get closer and closer to just shrieking

@J Dub: I think somebody already did that; I don't know if Giz covered it, though.

@SuramaAte: And...you feel superior because of this?

@yreka: Then there is no hope for you. You will fail at life and eventually wind up living in a flimsy cardboard box in a dark alley somewhere in downtown Miami, relying on the charity of a kindly meth-labber to supply you with the dosage you need in order to forget how miserably miserable your life is.

I have a policy of not "friending" anybody with whom I am not actually friends. Since I'm not an especially extroverted person, that means I have about 90 people listed as friends.

@CameronHeron: Why not just delete them if you don't care about them?

@Sirusjr: A lot of public libraries have ebook-lending programs; mine does. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but it has a pretty decent selection of bestsellers and more some slightly more obscure ebooks. Certainly not the selection of physical media that the library has, but it's better than nothing.

@dosdelon: You're tackled by a team of twelve burly guards and immediately sent to a high-security prison.

@Meanee: It depends entirely on whether I am aware that they have anger issues and power tools with which to express those issues.