
You appear to have left out “property owned while black”.

I know! I know! A long history of “suspected” illegal activity such as “standing while black”, “sitting while black”, “talking while black”and “resisting arrest”.

Having lived in Chester for several years, none of this surprises me. At all. Of course they never did anything about the racist asshole who would speed his motorcycle up and down the street, back and forth, for all hours.

And that is the one good thing about this presidency. It pretty much validates what people who look like me have been saying since I was born. Personally it’s great these bigots/misogynists/xenophobes are being exposed for what I knew they always been.

It’s like conservative revisionist claims about the “very fine people” comment after Charlottesville.

...he supports the president because he gets a massive tax cut, and not because of the racism.

Yeah this is pretty spot on. Before Trump most people didn’t care enough to hate them the way we all do now. The NFL gladly signed on to be the propaganda arm for the GWOT fiasco under both Bush and Obama and nobody gave a shit about that. We only started feeling like pre-game F-18 flyovers were fascistic once Trump

Man, that ocean/kiddy pool analogy is APT.

If they had any sense (THEY DO NOT) the rich whites of this country would be dragging Trump out of office by his peach-stained hair. They should be livid that he’s exposing all their bigotries and hypocrisies for all to see. In five years Trump will be gone but everyone will still hate Stephen Ross and the Ross family

Rich people’s obsession with tax cuts will forever blow my mind. Like, you’re ALREADY a billionaire. Dude’s already old so he’s got no chance at being the richest man ever. So really it’s all about siding with white supremacy to add a couple of numbers to a bottom line. I mean, he’ll never face consequences for

I missed the byline but when I got to “spalpeens” I knew it was Pierce. In poker they call that a “tell.”

Whoa, Charlie, my favorite political writer, on Deadspin?  Is this going to become a regular thing like Ratto?  Can we get a Ratto & Pierce podcast going?  I’m excited by the possibilities.

Columbo : Oh just one thing, what was on the another pizza you guys ordered?

Lena Dunham is gonna be PISSED.

I don’t pretend to understand the science behind injury rehab but I’m glad to see that I was ahead of the curve.

Until we see a tinder profile with the line “i fucked Odell Beckham Jr and did coke with him ... get on my level cunts” I’m going to assume this didn’t really happen.

Yet again, no invite for Eli...

Odell Beckham Jr.: Yeah, I took them all, dog, with some parmesan - and I think my arm is gone?
Andrew Luck: No, it’s probably numb.

Better, actually.

Better ingredients, better pizza